Strategic Marketing
Talent Management
Sales Coaching

Paper Planes Marketing (Pty) Ltd was formed in January 1995, and is a Strategic Marketing, Talent Management and Sales Coaching Company.

We specialise in strategic marketing, sales strategy (including all aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications and brand building), sales coaching, strengths development and developing highly competitive company architecture.

Our primary end-goal focus is to help your business develop successful and sustainable go-to-market strategies through wisdom attained by an in-depth knowledge of your company’s product/service USP’s & SCA, your employee’s strengths, a unified and strong team collaboration and in-depth market-channel knowledge. 

Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA)

Successful companies are companies that have a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) over their competitors and through this advantage are able to reach and sustain their business goals.

To achieve a SCA, a company has to deliver on the promises made by its marketing communication activities. Without understanding how the internal dynamics of the company are able to provide the delivery of the promises made by the marketing campaigns, companies are doomed to fail. Unless a company’s marketing communication takes into account the deliverables required by its customers and what is required internally to achieve the said promises, the competitive advantage will not be sustainable, and the marketing effort and product advantages will be wasted.

The SCA is the power of any organisation, and this can only be attained through a thorough the correct positioning of the company/brand in the market place it competes in. More importantly is the manner in which the competitive advantage is communicated to the target audience in order that they will perceive the company’s product/service offering as value. Unless a company understands how their customers measure value (from its service/product offering and what it costs to supply such a service/product), they will not have the ability to create a sustainable competitive advantage. 

If a company cannot achieve its targeted results, everything it does results in a waste of their much-valued resources. Putting our clients in a position of Power over their competitors through the integration of all marketing and sales activities becomes the primary focus of our strategy. This Power can only be achieved once a company truly can satisfy what customers deem to be “Value” and if providing such value is in-turn profitable.

“A visionary leader with an excellent balance of steady, clear thought and faultless efficiency. Luis is a superb strategist who is open-minded, creative and enormously passionate about his work. Without doubt, one of the most dedicated professionals that I have ever had the pleasure of working with, a great asset to any team.”

Our Services

Strategic Marketing is a science that is often misunderstood by some of the best manufacturers and service-offering companies in the market. By evaluating the internal processes which are required to achieve the desired results, and then creating the processes to deliver the marketing strategy, we put our clients in a position whereby they achieve their SCA and thus deliver on their visions, missions target earnings goals. To turn your company from good to great, Paper Planes offer the following services;

  • Employees Strengths Profiling – (Drivers & Drainers = Strengths and Weaknesses)

    Individual and Team Executive Coaching - to create clear direction and maximise employee potential – both for the individual and team as a whole.

    Redesign Company Architecture - to optimise the most efficient and effective Team Structure.

    Development of employee KPI & C.A.R.E charts – (Capabilities, Authority levels, Responsibility, Evaluation).

    Facilitation in the development of company vision, mission and goals.

    Strategic Team Building Sessions to optimise your company’s SCA.

    Sales Team Training and Coaching (either short or long-term contracts)

    Sales & Marketing Recruitment.

  • Conduct a Situation Analysis of the Competitive Posture of your company vs. the competitors – Including of F-2-F Market Research with customers.

    Development of Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plans

    Development of Integrated Market Communications Strategy

    Development of Sales & Go-To-Market Strategy (Channel strategy)

  • Employee Strengths assessments – to establish focus areas and what to watch out for – potential weaknesses and threats when working with great teams and customers.

    Team Strengths assessments – to establish where teams are naturally strong and what to watch out for – potential weaknesses and threats

  • Competitive posture – are you growing or in decline? What are the strengths and opportunities and how immediate are the threats and weaknesses and what critical actions are needed to ensure you create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage over your competitors?

    Product & services Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – how to pitch your company offerings to close the deal every single opportunity and ensure top of mind awareness of your advantages vs. the competitor offerings.

    Channel dynamics, - how does your product or services offering flow from your warehouse to the end target? Do you have the most efficient processes and how can you maximise your channel partners to ensure that your products or service offerings are sold they way your marketing strategy intended?

  • We look at the delivery of product and services a company has to offer and investigate the gap between the marketing promises made and the actual deliverables a company is able to achieve. This involves all aspects of the organizations such as manufacturing outputs, inbound and outbound logistics, the distribution channel, and the required communication channels to correctly deliver on the promises made by the organization. We then put in corrective measures and processes to achieve the desired results.

  • We conduct a variety of target market and customer research (either primary or secondary research) in order to develop the foundation of a great marketing and communication strategy. We focus on industry dynamics and the deep understanding of target customer needs and their measurement of value. Based on this research we are able to develop detailed marketing plans, which include a detailed (step-by-step) master project plan that provides a process flow attached to roles, responsibilities, and a timeline to ensure that the strategy is fulfilled successfully. This allows the strategy to be managed through short-interval controls ensuring that the set out financial/marketing goals, objective and targets are met. Each and every marketing project is focused on “Bottom Line” results.

  • Without the integration of all marketing communication activities, a company cannot manage the target market perception and understanding of the intended brand communication. PPM recognises the value a comprehensive marketing communication plan can provide an organisation. We evaluate the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines – for example, general advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communications impact. Unless each aspect of the marketing communication plan is measurable from a R.O.I perspective, it is seldom effective in achieving the desired targeted goals of an organisation and results in the waste of valuable company resources.

  • At PPM, we believe that it is impossible for a marketer to establish effective communication with the target consumers using only mass techniques like advertising, sponsorship, publicity, etc. We believe that it is the rapport, the empathy, the dialogue, the relationship and the communication the company establishes with the prospect clients that lead to life-time retention of clients, and thus the forming of sustainable business growth. We focus on the various factors that enable clients to build successful CRM campaigns with their target audiences thus turning them into loyal customers of the company or brand. Customer loyalty results in customer life-time value and repeat business is the most effective communication tool known in marketing.

“I am always impressed by his attention to details and controlled composure. It is clear that his actions and words based on intelligence and experience that most people wish they had. In my opinion the man is a Midas and can change a Cornerstore Grocer into a "VegaCity Empire"”

Scope of Works

At PPM we conduct augmented marketing services offering that include the following;

    • Strategic Planning

    • Marketing Plans & Budgets

    • Market Audits & Research

    • Market Approach Strategy – Channel management

    • Retail planning and business strategy

    • Brand Strategy & Brand Equity audits

    • Sales Strategy, Targets Plans, Budgets & Forecasts

    • New Market Development

    • Restructuring and repositioning brands

    • Auditing businesses, management systems and business processes

    • Sales strategic planning and business modelling

    • Sales Coaching

    • Performance reviews and staff competency reviews

    • High level report writing and board member reports

    • Developing business performance enhancement strategies & plans

    • Implementing business performance enhancement strategies & Plans

    • Training staff and management

  • Development of an integrated Marketing Communication Programme that looks at the following aspects of a successful marketing campaign;

    • Advertising

    • Customer Relationship Management

    • PR/Public Relations

    • Direct Marketing

    • Sales Promotions & Campaigns

    • Personal Selling & Sales Strategy

    • CRM Strategy

    • Customer Value & Needs Research

    • Database Marketing

    • Call Centre Strategy

    • Social Media

    • Website Design

    • Marketing Coaching - “How To” write a great marketing strategy that works!

    • Sales Coaching – Turing your teams into successful sales closers and customer relationship managers.

    • Brand Strategy & Brand architecture Coaching – Coaching your employees on how to live the Brand ethos and how to deliver the brand values communicated by your marketing communication campaigns.

    • Conduct Team Inspiration Seminars focusing on building highly inspired teams that work towards a unified vision and operational goals.

    • CRM training – focused on building value in your CRM systems and building a positive mindset towards data gathering for maximum sales impact.

    • Change-management facilitation – Facilitating your change-management goals and helping you build a Team Architecture that delivers the most impact on your customer satisfaction goals.

    • Executive Coaching – Helping your employees develop and achieve Personal Goals & clear direction in their business and personal lives – by identifying their Drivers and Drainers.

  • This unique activity is the foundation of all success in an organisation for it develops the ability required by each and every individual in the organisation to achieve the vision, mission and goals set out by the organisation. Great visionaries achieve success because they can see the end result of their dreams. However, unless they can convey their vision to their peers, their dreams are doomed to fail. This two-day seminar covers the following activities that teach each individual the processes of achieving their dreams within the vision set out by the organisation;

    • Personal goal setting integrated with the company vision, mission and goal

    • Creating personal and organisational vision to success

    • Developing the skills to maintain a positive and focused vision

    • Developing the parameters to integrate personal vision with the organisations vision

Happy Customer History